Unit 143 Board Meeting- October 13, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by President Suzi Shymanski Moore.

Board Members present: Suzi Moore, Jackie Baker, Carole Benkelman, Bill Bunn, Carl Clyne, Jane Ettelson, Bobby Riggs, Steve Zenk, Donna Pedrotti, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, and Ed Hale.  Absent: Debbie Romero

Also in attendance: Mike Carmen, Tournament Chair

September 2010 Minutes

The September 2010 minutes were approved

Treasurers Report

The BOD moved that the treasurer’s report be filed.  The report showed a balance of $52,870.22 in total liabilities and equity and net income of $7367.20

The Corresponding Secretary’s Report

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was emailed by Jack Bryant to the members of the BOD on October 13, 2010.

Downloaded on October 7 one file from the ACBL database to replace the Unit databases for Units 143, 101, 131, 154, 208, 223, and 239.  This is done monthly.  There are 1131members in Unit 143. 

Updated the 2010 ESUCA standings with the September 12 and October 3 Unit Games and emailed a report to Milk Zlatic for posting on the unit web-site.

  1. Printed a listing of Unit 143 members for the Unit for Donna Pedrotti that will be used to check off voters in the upcoming Unit BOD election.

Pending tasks:

  1. Update the ESUCA standings with the results of the October 10th Unit game.
  2. Send to the ACBL the list of new BOD officers following the election at the November BOD meeting.

The corresponding secretary’s report was filed.

Budget for 2011

Bob Janis presented the budget for 2011.  The budget was approved.

St Louis Regional 2010.

Mike Carmen distributed the report on the 2010 Regional. The table count was down this year.  The tournament netted a profit of $5,512 which was similar to last year, but there was an increase in fees for the games.  Mike noted that there was a significant loss in revenue due to the fact that the room commitments were not met.  The hotel was offering less expensive room rates on the internet.  Additionally, there are less expensive accommodations close to the Renaissance.  Mike will discuss with the hotel, the issue of the room rates. Presently, the Unit has a contract with the Renaissance through 2013.  Mike and Suzi reported that alternative sites have been investigated, but that the Renaissance is the only hotel outside downtown St Louis that has adequate square footage for the playing sites. 

Mike reported that he is recommending Gold Rush Pairs for the 2011 St Louis Regional.


Bob Riggs distributed the completed datebook for the 2011 calendar year.  A few corrections were noted which will be corrected on the web site.  The datebook will be given to members when they vote at the upcoming Sectional. Bobby will also give datebooks to the club directors for distribution.  Additionally, datebooks will continue to be in all the new member packets.

Bragging Rights KO

The BOD discussed whether to continue with the Bragging Rights in view of problems in coordinating with KC. Alternatives were discussed.  No decision was made.

Guidelines for the Unit 143 Board Members

Bill Bunn distributed the final copy of the Guidelines for the Unit 143 Board Members.

199’er Tournament Report

Jane Ettelson reported that the 199’er tournament held on September 26, 2010 was successful.  There were 42 tables in the afternoon session and 19 tables in the evening.  This is a record number of tables.  Additionally, there was a waiting list for the afternoon session.  A copy of the tournament report was e-mailed to all the members of the BOD.


Ed Hale reported that postcards will not be needed for attendance at the NAP.  There were 45 qualifying games held in the Unit.   Ed has submitted the list of qualifiers to the ACBL. Additionally, the qualifiers will be listed on the website.

BOD election

Suzi Moore distributed a schedule for coverage of the polls for the upcoming election of the BOD.  Jane Ettelson distributed a copy of the ballot for the election. The executive board will count the ballots on October 18.  Bill Bunn volunteered to help with the counting of the ballots.  The candidates will be notified on the 18th and the results published on the website. It was agreed that the exact vote counts would not be published, although a candidate could request the information on their votes.

Jane Ettelson reported that there had been a request for 15 absentee ballots and to date 14 have been returned.

Quip Report

Jennifer Luner reported that the membership trend for Unit 143 was up.  Unit 143 is #1 in the district for new members. There is a 75% retention rated for the first two years of membership.  This is an increased retention rate.

Web Site

Jennifer presented upcoming changes for the web site.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45

Submitted on October 31, 2010 by

Jane Ettelson

Recording Secretary


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