Meeting Minutes for April 11, 2012

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Meeting was called to order by President S Zenk


Steve Zenk, Pres., Debbie Romero, VP; Linda Seibert, Secy; Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; George Hawley; Jeff Kopolow, Treas.; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Jay Shah; Helene Siegfried; Peggy Wald

Absentees:  Ed Hale


The February Minutes were approved for posting.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report was accepted.

Treasurer’s report was accepted for filing. D Romero noted that the Summary Page of the report carries no effective date and requested that one be added.  J Kopolow will make that change.


199er Tournament

L Hastings distributed a financial report for the tournament.  He noted that at one time 14 pairs were on the waitlist, but all were called to attend when several late cancellations were called in. He proposed considering a change of session times for future tournaments to 10 and 3 instead of the current 11 and 5.  He also proposed that we consider purchasing our own Unit supplies (convention cards, pencils) to save expenses.  Will check ACBL requirements.

Some 20 who should have received post card reminders did not and heard about the tournament by word-of-mouth.  We need to check to see why.

St Louis Knockouts

This will be a one-day event for A, B, and C players.  L Hastings has set up 24 tables.

STaC Week

L Hastings requested that D Romero intervene to see what can be done to facilitate more timely processing of club owners’ checks to the District for STaC Week.  Hastings feels that six weeks is too long.



Regional Hospitality

S Zenk reported that Mike Carmen will meet with Renaissance rep soon to see what changes can be made to improve our hospitality.

District Date Book

S Zenk presented a District Date Book done in Chicago.  After discussion, it was decided that our Unit Date Book satisfies our members’ needs.

Coupons/Ads at Regional

J Luner asked that we consider soliciting coupons/ads for restaurants during the Regional to offset some of the cost of producing the Daily Bulletin.  She could print them in the Daily Bulletin. Discussion followed.  The Tournament Committee will investigate.  Jay Shah volunteered to be added to the Tournament Committee.

Combination NLM Regional/Sectional

J Luner noted that new Life Master requirements increase the number of red and gold points needed. She suggested that we consider a combination tournament to provide our members with additional opportunity to earn red points. Discussion followed.  The matter was referred to the Tournament


D Romero distributed copied of the display ad for the May Bridge Bulletin

As it will cost more than previous ads, the June issue will carry a smaller, teaser ad. She passed around a copy of the expense report for the May sectional.


J Moore reported that we gained 12 new and 3 transfer members in February and 6 new and 12 transfer in March. 


No report.


Next meeting is May 9, 2012

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Linda Seibert, Secretary



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