Meeting Minutes for April 10, 2013

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Meeting was called to order by President Romero

Attendees: Debbie Romero, Pres.; George Hawley, VP; Linda Seibert, Sec’y; Jeff Kopolow, Treas;  Mary Dolan, Bob Griffin, Lee Hastings; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Jay Shah; Helene Siegfried;

Peggy Wald

Absentees:  none

The minutes for February 13, 2013 were approved for posting

The Corresponding Secretary’s two reports were accepted

The Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Tournament Review

NABC would have exceeded projections but for the snow on Sunday (10+ inches).  M Carmen will present a more detailed review at a meeting soon.  He is investigating the cost to store the extra T-shirts that were given as section tops to use later.  Some discussion about possibilities for their use followed.  The Grand Life Master articles in the Daily Bulletin were a success.

L Hastings reported on the 199er Tournament. There were 35 tables in the morning, 23 in the

evening session.  Several pairs canceled owing to the snow on Feb. 21.  Tournament netted about &650.00.  Players like the new site at the St Louis Bridge Center.  There was a problem with non-tournament players at the Center helping themselves to the refreshments intended for the tournament players even though it was announced and kept in a separate location in the room from regular StL Bridge Center refreshments.  Sanctions for the last Saturday in March and September have been obtained for several years, so we should not incur date conflicts.

The conflict with Kansas City for May Sectional happened because traditional ACBL date protection applies only to Regionals.  The new Tourney Track should help avoid this kind of conflict in the future.  Consequently, C Patrias has not been reassigned to our sectional. M Carmen wants to change section top awards for Sectionals.  Maybe an insulated Cold Cup?  Other ideas?  Give to M Carmen or D Romero.


NEW BUSINESS:  ACBL is launching a new tournament schedule system.  Eventually, the Tournament Chair will be able to load the tournament schedule separate from the flyer.

The Nominating Committee will begin working to develop an officer slate for elections in October.

Mary Dolan is replacing Sheryl Finkenstadt (deceased) as the District 8 Advocate for Greater St Louis News

Education Committee:  G Hawley provided the board with additional contact information as there has been a bit of a problem.  He will set up an additional email for this kind of personal use.  It was agreed that the Bridge Camp scholarship application should be an essay of 150-200 words detailing reasons the applicant wants to attend; the role of bridge applicant’s life. There will be handouts/flyers at the May Sectional as well as something larger like a poster.

Interruption:    There was a meeting interruption owing to Tornado Warnings in the area—about 30 minutes.

Unit Game Committee Update: P Wald announced that sanctions for games through June have been received. Improved communication is needed as we make this unit Game schedule transition. Directors get an email from Jack Bryant with the information.  B Griffin will provide handouts with information. A chart showing Unit Game Sanction Usage was distributed. Since January 1, 2013, there have been 77.5 tables. B Griffin made some suggestions to enhance awareness of Unit Games:  Run an announcement on the banner on the website; add a link to the Unit Game schedule on the Club Page; edit the left menu bar for easier access.

Publicity: D Romero passed around a copy of the Regional ads for the Bulletin for May and June.  Basically like last year with some jazzing up of June ad.  Information is out on all websites.  There was an email blast recently about the May Sectional.  Postcards this week.

Website: Most recent activity has been a result of the NABC. The 10-year anniversary of the website is coming up.

Membership:  J Moore reported 32 new members, 14 or 15 transfers for total membership of 1265.

Awards:  P Wald reported receiving no complaints as a result of removing the date from the I/N trophies.

Announcements:  The Bidding Box Party will be at J Shah’s on Sunday, April 21, at 10:00 a.m.  Next meeting will be May 8, 2013.

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary

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