Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2012

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors


Meeting was called to order by President S. Zenk.


Steve Zenk, Pres.; Debbie Romero, VP; Jeff Kopolow, Treas.; Linda Seibert, Secy; Ed Hale; Lee Hastings; George Hawley; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Jay Shah; Helene Siegfried

Absentees: Scott Davis, Peggy Wald

The December Minutes were approved for posting as corrected:  Under Charity, think should be thank.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report was accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:  We are a 501c (7) organization, required to file IRS Form 990—a public document.  To make it publicly available, it will be posted to the web site.  Report accepted for filing.



St. Louis Knockouts

It was moved and seconded that the St Louis Knockouts be held on April 14, open to members of Units 143 and 223; it will be a 3-session event beginning at 9 a.m. at the Olivette Community Center for A, B, and C flights; reservations are preferred; the winners will qualify to represent St Louis in the Braggin’ Rights competition sponsored by Kansas City to be held during the Sectional in Columbia, MO in June.  Motion carried.

Unit Phone

President Zenk noted that a practical delay in changing from our current phone arrangement to the TracPhone authorized at last month’s meeting is in order. The current number has been published and distributed for future events.  The change can be enacted after the August Regional, the new number being used for the October Sectional.  There was no objection.


On Friday immediately preceding play at  the January Sectional, a check for $6,000.00 designated for Disaster Relief of Missouri will be presented to The American Red Cross.  They will have their own photographer in addition to ours.  D Romero will make the presentation.  A press release will be sent to appropriate publications.  D Romero noted that there is a free, online calendar at the Post-Dispatch on which we can list events for possible inclusion in the GO Magazine.  She will list future tournaments.



January Sectional

S Zenk passed around a sign-up sheet for sectional duties.  All categories were filled.

Youth Bridge

E Hale has been approached about teaching bridge to elementary students at Woerner School in south city.  He will investigate further.  The ACBL grant will be used to help with scholarships to the summer bridge camp.  Flyers should be out by the end of March.

Board Vacancy

Scott Davis would like to resign his board position owing to frequent scheduling conflicts.  He will continue his District work as STaC Chairman.  The Board accepted this as Scott’s resignation with appreciation for his service.  D Romero had contacted several members about filling this vacancy.  It was moved and seconded that Bob Griffin be appointed to fill the vacancy.

Club Sanction for Special Game

Chuck Starovasnik has applied for a sanction to hold an International Fund Game on Thursday  afternoon.  ACBL has sent the Unit notification of the request to be sure there are no conflicts with existing games.  S Zenk will check, but we expect there is no reason to deny the sanction.




D Romero mentioned that the flyer for the August Regional will be 2 pages, done as 2-sided.  It will be more expensive.  It is likely that more copies will be needed as the entire schedule will not fit on the postcards and there is a large scheduling change.  Some distribution details are still being decided.



J Moore announced that we have 3 new and 5 transfer members.



J Luner gave the year-end website report.  There were 30,000 visits to the website, 2500/month.  Each new visitor viewed about 10 pages per visit.  The quarterly QUIP report from the ACBL shows the average age of membership has decreased one year to 68; average length of membership is 19 years.  We add about 100 new members annually, but lose about 75 for an annual net gain of 25.

H Siegfried noted that the Guidelines have just been republished.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary


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