Meeting Minutes for July 11, 2012

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors


Meeting was called to order by President S Zenk

Attendees:  Steve Zenk, Pres.; Debbie Romero, VP; Jeff Kopolow, Treas.; Linda Seibert, Secy.; Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; George Hawley; Jennifer Luner; Jay Shah; Helene Siegfried Peggy Wald

Absentees:  JoAnn Moore


The June Minutes were approved for posting.

Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted.

Treasurer’s report was accepted for filing.

Treasurer J Kopolow brought to our attention that it appears that room rental has not been paid for the January or May Sectionals as no bill was received.  He has worked with M Carmen to reconcile the Sectional Reports with the Treasurer’s.  J Kopolow has verified with St Charles that no billings have been created or mailed to us.  It is expected that a bill will now be generated and mailed so that it can be paid. The total should be a bit under $6,000.00.  The January Sectional Report included this expense.  We did not have a May report available to check.  Any restated reports will be presented at our next meeting. The $5,000.00 check for the Spring 2013 NABC has been mailed to ACBL.


Youth Bridge at Regional

S Zenk announced that he has been in touch with Chris Shaw and has confirmed a youth game for Saturday, August 11 at 1:00 P.M. It is expected that a sufficient number for a separate section will participate; if not, they will play in the I/N game.

L Hastings has been in contact with Leslie Schainker about possibilities for next year’s program in the schools.   No decision will be made until the beginning of the school year.  Hastings also has been in contact with Ruth Francis about the books used.  She has indicated to him that they are not appropriate for early elementary grades.

Restaurants during Regional

L Hastings has compiled a 4-page listing of restaurants located within 15 miles of the playing site.  The tournament Committee will meet following this BOD meeting.

Change of Fiscal Year

J Kopolow noted that he has yet to investigate the IRS ramifications for such a change.  He will investigate and report back.


I/N Trophies

P Wald suggested removal of the date from the trophy plates so that they are reusable.  It will make planning easier and save a little money.  Board approved.

August Regional

S Zenk announced Regional responsibilities:

                 Registration:         L Seibert, C Clyne

                 Hospitality:           S Shymanski-Moore

                 Daily Bulletin:       J Luner

                 Caddies:                 G Hawley

                 Awards:                 P Wald

                 Bidding Boxes:     J Shah

J Shah has 3 containers of bidding boxes; more are in storage; no one seems to know how many are needed for the Regional. He suggested that he keep all (he has storage room available) and maintain an inventory.  Board gave informal approval.

D Romero informed us that the scent notices and their stands were put away in the bidding box containers after last tournament.  L Seibert and J Shah will see that these notices are properly displayed.  D Romero is also making notices for the time change for the Saturday-Sunday KOs to be strategically placed.

199er in September

L Hastings needs help for the September 199er

                 L Seibert and J Shah will assist with mailing labels

                 J Shah, B Griffin, J Kopolow will help with check-in

                 The mailing must be done 6 weeks prior to the event


Mike Giacaman and Sue Perez are on the Nominating Committee

D Romero presented the slate: Peggy Wald, Jennifer Luner,  Jeff Kopolow , and  Mary Dolan

L Seibert moved to approve, H Siegfried seconded.  Motion passed.


D Romero gave a report of the increase ($200) in publicity expenses for the Regional.    1350 postcards were mailed, more flyers were distributed (more needed owing to change of schedule and expanded area to Paducah’s big clubs), flyers are 2-sided, postage increased and cost of ACBL ads increased owing to double set-up expense.


J Luner reported that the NAP schedule is complete and there is an article on the 2 scholarship winners. H Siegfried:  Kudos for the July 4th article.


S Zenk reported that M Carmen says that room reservations are doing well; right now we’re ahead of last year.

S Zenk will need assistance on the Partnership Desk on Friday afternoon and evening, maybe Saturday morning.  J Kopolow volunteered for Friday and G Hawley for Saturday.

Next meeting is September 12, 2012




Respectfully submitted,


Linda Seibert

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