March 11, 2015 


Meeting Minutes for March 11, 2015 

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Attendees:  Linda Seibert, Pres.; Mary Dolan, VP, Becky Hubert, Sec’y.; Jeff Kopolow, Treas; George Hawley; Karen Erlanger; Debra Romero; Jennifer Luner; Lee Hastings; Helene Siegfried; Mark Ziegelman; guest Mike Carmen

Absentees:  Jay Shah

President Seibert called the meeting to order.  Minutes of the February meeting were approved for posting.  Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file.

Presidents Report:  Linda Seibert shared a thank you note from Suzi Shymanski Moore following her award given at the January Sectional.  Linda also noted that the ACBL is no longer offering the services of an outside vendor to study “pro activities” due to questions of privacy of data.

Tournament Report:  For the Regional, Mike Carmen mentioned that Dick Ellis of Ft Wayne, Indiana offered to provide at no cost small hand made wooden clocks.  There was discussion regarding giving these clocks to IN Section winners.  Regarding the Sectional, the food offered at past Sunday lunches at the Sectionals was discussed.  Some people prefer a lighter lunch, others prefer a more traditional full hot lunch.  Although several menus have been tested, no particular menu seems to satisfy all.

Publicity:  Debbie Romero reported that fliers for the upcoming May Sectional and July Regional are prepared, mailed to out-of-towners and are being distributed locally.  The Regional ads are submitted and on schedule for the April and May bulletins.  Postcards for the May Sectional will be mailed the week of March 23rd. 

Unit Games:  Mary Dolan reported that 90 tables participated in Unit Games in February of which 7 or 8 were played in Barnhart, MO.

Website:  Milt Zlatic made a scattergram map of Unit 143 membership.  Jennifer reported that things added to the front page include an announcement of new Gold Life Masters (Sandy Becker and Brenda Hoffman) and a link to the National ACBL tournament results.  Information regarding the two bridge camps will be added to website shortly.

Membership:  Becky Hubert reported all letters welcoming new members and transfers into Unit 143 were mailed.  Currently the membership stands at 1361.

Date Book:  In an effort to make sure Date Books are given to members, Karen Erlanger is distributing current books to Directors for any member’s use but also with the intention that participants in bridge classes may welcome having a date book.  Karen also is working on transitioning the design of future Date Books to  Microsoft Publisher.

Education:  Mark Ziegelman continues to develop the Liaison role.  Furthermore a partnership with the Scouts is being explored.

New Business: Jeff Kopolow moved that we establish a committee to consider the proper levels of proceeds for a non-profit such as Unit 143 and to develop ideas of how best to use any excess if the Unit ever exceeds the levels determined to be adequate.   The motion was seconded by Karen Erlanger.  The motion was approved unanimously.  Jeff Kopolow will chair the new committee with Lee Hastings and Becky Hubert serving as committee members.

Lee Hastings moved that we not renew a CD coming due shortly and to put the funds in the savings account until the Board reviews the newly formed committee’s recommendations.  Mary Dolan seconded.  After discussion the motion passed unanimously.

Next meeting is April 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm.

Karen Erlanger moved to adjourn.  Lee Hastings seconded.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hubert, Secretary.



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