Meeting Minutes for May 14, 2014 

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors


Meeting was called to order by President Romero


Attendees: Debbie Romero, Pres.; George Hawley, VP; Linda Seibert, Secy; Mary Dolan; Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; Jennifer Luner,  JoAnn Moore; Helene Siegfried; Peggy Wald

Absentees:  Jeff Kopolow, Treasurer;  Jay Shah


President Romero called the meeting to order.

March Minutes were approved for posting

Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file.


May Sectional and August Regional: Sectional: M Carmen, D Romero and L Seibert will not be in attendance at the May Sectional.  Others will have to sign up for duties to cover.  Susie Moore will be the acting Tournament Chair. G Hawley and B Griffin will assist on Saturday night.  G Hawley will assign Hospitality Caddy duties to Lauren or Katy. Mini McKinney and Ace of Clubs will be announced on Friday.  Work assignment sheet was passed.  There was discussion concerning Bridge Camp publicity at the Sectional.  There is no place to move the display. It was suggested that S Reiss could say a few words.  J Luner will communicate with him and either she or G Hawley will speak for him if he is unable to attend.

Regional: Registration gifts and Section Top Awards at the Regional will be the same as last year.

To get novice winners to have photos taken, we need to make a new sign, have it laminated and placed on a stand at the Director’s table and/or posted above the posted scores.




NEW BUSINESS: Only one scholarship application for summer Bridge Camp has been received to date. 


199er Tournament Results and Feedback: 210 out of 300 participants returned their surveys. Tournament had largest number of tables to date.  Lee proposed offering something on Sunday.  The board wants Lee to coordinate with the St Louis Bridge Center and look into the costs and issues of adding a Sunday pairs game to the next I/N tournament to make a 2-day event.  He will have a further report in June.  T-shirts still left will be distributed at the September event.  Trophies were given to the supposed winners at the time, but due to scoring corrections, the winners changed and additional trophies were then given to the rightful winners. Decision was made not to retrieve incorrectly awarded trophies based on initial results.


Publicity:  D Romero reported that the ads in the Bulletin and flyers for the Regional are done.  Post cards will be mailed after the Sectional.


Unit Games: A January unit game (poor attendance owing to weather) has been rescheduled to the first Sunday in June. Since January, there have been 306.5 tables in unit games.  The April 3 P.M. game sanction was not used and will be added later.


Website: Jen made the change to rolling 15 months results. She will work on an article about Chris Patrias honoring his many years of dedicated service to our unit and District 8.


Membership:   JoAnn reported 12 new transfers and 15 returned snowbirds.


Next meeting will be June 11, 2014, at 7:00 P.M.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary


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