August 19, 2015 


Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2015 

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Attendees:  Linda Seibert, Pres.; Mary Dolan, VP; Becky Hubert, Secy; Karen Erlanger, Lee Hastings, Jeff Kopolow, Jay Shah, Mark Ziegelman.  Absent:  George Hawley, Jennifer Luner, Debbie Romero, Helene Siegfried.  Mike Carmen attended for Tournament discussion.

President Seibert called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  Minutes of the July meeting were approved for posting; Lee Hastings moved to post, seconded by Karen Erlanger.  Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file.  Treasurer’s report was accepted for file; Ad hoc Finance Committee will meet to set criteria and make recommendations for purchases.

Presidents Report:  Linda Seibert announced that there is some discussion to give an undetermined number of free plays to those people who make significant contributions to our tournaments

Old Business:  No old business; committee reports followed.

Tournament Business:  The Board discussed the recent Regional.  Budgeted profits were exceeded and with few exceptions, the tournament went smoothly and successfully.  Some discussion of directors and game formats were discussed.

Publicity:  No report in light of Debbie Romero’s absence.

Unit Games:  Dolan proposed dates for 2016 Unit Games.  Jack Bryant will apply for sanctions.    Karen Erlanger moved to accept the dates; Jeff seconded and the motion carried.

Website:  In the absence of Luner and Siegried, no report was made.

Membership:  Hubert reported membership continues to grow steadily each month with current count at 1415.  Letters were mailed.

Date Book:  Karen reported rough draft of the date book which she emailed to the Board prior to the meeting.  Discussion ensued regarding obtaining remaining information for the book.

Education:  The Board discussed the ways to get blessing from the ACBL on the Boy Scout proposal.

Nominating Committee.   Becky Hubert reported there were no further nominations for the slate so the Board nominated slate with indeed stand with no vote required.  The four people on the Board approved slate are Mark Boswell, Mary Dolan, Jeff Kopolow and Mark Ziegelman. 

New Business:  1.  Sunday Swiss Team at Regional:  Discussion regarding the 10:00am start time included pros and cons.  Mike will check with the Renaissance to see if they have any pertinent opinions.  Also discussed was the new format.  Again, pros and cons were discussed as well as a tweak to the new plan.  In addition to a new format there also were some personnel issues which may have reflected on the event.  Those issues can be satisfied with Director training.  The Board originally approved the format for two years.  Further discussion will take place at a future date.  2.  There was discussion to consider selling sponsorships at our tournaments.  This will be considered in future meetings as some research is completed.  3.  Central storage for electronic files was discussed.  4.  Membership directories are usually printed every three years.  Jay Shah will check on the timing and said he would take on the printing of the next directory.

Next meeting is September 9, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Olivette Community Center.

Seibert adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Becky Hubert




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