Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2015

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Attendees: Linda Seibert, Pres., Mary Dolan, VP, Mark Boswell, Karen Erlanger, Lee Hastings, Jay Shah, Becky Hubert, Mark Ziegelman, Helene Siegfried. Absentees: Jeff Kopolow, George Hawley and Debbie Romero

President’s Report: President Seibert called the meeting to order at 7:00pm at Olivette Center. Minutes of the November meeting were approved for posting; Helene Siegried moved to post, seconded by Lee Hastings. Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file. Treasurer’s report was accepted for file. The Board discussed the Olivette room renewal for 2016; although no contract was given, we were assured that we would have a room at the same rates through 2016.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Kopolow distributed his report by email prior to the meeting and was accepted for file.

Tournament Business: January Sectional sign-up volunteer sheet was distributed. 199 tournament: revision of our section to a 299 limit will be explored with the ACBL.

Old Business: Drop Box: Helene Siegfried and Mary Dolan will set up the drop box no later than the February Board meeting.

Publicity: No report.

Unit Games: Mark Boswell will assume the Unit Games duties and is currently being trained by Mary Dolan.

Website: Changes to the website were reviewed.

Membership: Hubert reported membership this month is set at 1371.

Date Book: Karen Erlanger plans to distribute the Date Book at the January Sectional and continues to provide directors with books. She order 300 fewer this year due to declining demand and it appears to be a good decision.

Education: Mark Ziegelman updated the board with respect to the Boys Scouts response to our proposal. Mr. Wilson of the Boys Scouts cited two challenges: speculating of interest and availability of merit badge counselors. Mark plans to promote bridge camp and scholarship at the January Sectional. Mary and Mark will meet with Lindbergh School in December.

New Business:

Meeting Location: Karen Erlanger moved to change meeting location to the Creve Coeur Government Center for 2016 due to lower cost and nicer facility. Motion was seconded by Helene Siegried. Motion passed unanimously.
Dealing Machine: New information regarding the dealing machine which was voted on last month came to the table. After discussion, Mark Boswell moved that Unit 143 purchase a dealing machine but this action be placed on hold until further information be gathered. The machine will be purchased provided neither Lee nor Linda Seibert, after speaking with Chris Patrias, found reason not to purchase the machine. Mary Dolan seconded; the motion passed.

Next meeting is January 13, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Creve Coeur Government Center, Meeting Room 1.

Seibert adjourned the meeting at 8:45.

Respectfully submitted by Becky Hubert




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