Meeting Minutes for January 13, 2016

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Attendees: Linda Seibert, Pres., Mary Dolan, VP, Mark Boswell, Lee Hastings, George Hawley, Debbie Romero, Jay Shah, Helene Siegfried, Mark Ziegelman,. Absentees: Karen Erlanger, Becky Hubert, Jeff Kopolow. Mike Carmen was present to discuss Tournament business.

President’s Report: President Seibert called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at Creve Coeur Government Center. Minutes of the December meeting were approved for posting; Lee Hastings moved to post, seconded by Mary Dolan. Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file. Treasurer’s report was accepted for file.

Tournament Business: Mike Carmen distributed and discussed budget for the upcoming Winter Sectional. He informed the board of the ACBL policy changes related to the handling of cash. Units will be responsible for taking the cash collected during the tournament. Mike said three directors would be working the sectional.

Debbie Romero informed board that several new caddies would be training alongside experienced caddies in the sectional.

Linda Seibert reported that the new dealing machine had not yet arrived. The board discussed alternative arrangements for making the boards at the sectional should the machine not arrive in time.

Board reviewed plan to inventory tables at the conclusion of sectional. It was decided to hold off and do the inventory during the regional when all tables will be in use. Tables to be replaced will be set aside and not returned to storage at that time.

Sectional sign-up volunteer sheet was passed around.

Old Business: Mary Dolan will work on Dropbox setup.

Publicity: Debbie Romero reported on publicity for regional. She noted the issues that will have to be resolved at the February board meeting in order to get the ad for regional into the Bridge Bulletin in a timely manner. These include Bruce Greenspan’s commitment to doing the Monday afternoon novice event, deciding on format for the Sunday Swiss event, and reviewing the side game/charity game attendance to determine whether those games should remain on the 2016 regional schedule.

Unit Games: Mark Boswell distributed 2015 year-end unit game report. Report showed increased tables from 2014.

Website: Helene Siegfried and Mary Dolan reported on changes to the website.

Education: Mark Ziegelman reported that flyers were out for both Youth Bridge Camps – one in Carlinville, Il and one in St. Joseph, Missouri. General discussion of the scholarships. It was decided to make no changes to availability for 2016.

New Business:

Board discussed naming events at the May sectional.

Next meeting is February 10, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Creve Coeur Government Center, Meeting Room 1.

President Seibert adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Dolan


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