October 14, 2015


Meeting Minutes for October 14, 2015

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Attendees: Linda Seibert, Pres.; Mary Dolan, VP; Karen Erlanger, Lee Hastings, Jeff Kopolow, Debbie Romero, Jay Shah, Mark Ziegelman, George Hawley, Jennifer Luner, Helene Siegfried and Becky Hubert. Mike Carmen attended for Tournament discussion.

President Seibert called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Minutes of the September meeting were approved for posting; Karen Erlanger moved to post, seconded by Lee Hastings. Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file. Treasurer’s report was accepted for file; Ad hoc Finance Committee will meet to set criteria and make recommendations for purchases.

Tournament Business: October Sectional: sign-up sheet an was passed around for assignments. Duties and issues were discussed. All preparations are in order . January Sectiona l was discussed. The Board discussed criteria for naming a Sectional event in honor of a deceased member. Jay Shah moved that upon request, a Sectional event may be named for a deceased unit member who served at a minimum of three years at the Board’s choosing. The motion was seconded and passed. Lee Hastings moved that the Friday 1:30 Stratified Pairs be named after Bobby Riggs at the May Sectional. This motion passed unanimously. 199 Tournament: The September tournament had 60 tables including 22 tables on Sunday. 7 tables were composed of 0-50 players. The tournament paid approximately $700.

Old Business: None

Publicity: Debbie Romero reported the January materials were ready.

Unit Games: There were 70 tables at the Unit games in September and 79 in October. To date we are 88 tables over this time last year. The next Unit game is November 17.

Website: Changes to the website were reviewed.

Membership: Hubert reported membership continues to grow steadily each month with current count at 1404.

Date Book: Karen handed out the beautiful new Date Books which will be available at the October Sectional.

Education: ACBL provided a letter of endorsement for the Boy Scout proposal. All materials have been distributed to the Boy Scout Board who has 120 days to make a decision.

New Business: After much discussion, the Directory will be updated next year, remaining on the regular three year schedule. There was nothing to report on the central storage or bid box issues at this time.

Next meeting is November 11, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Olivette Community Center.

Seibert adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Becky Hubert




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