ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes for 2011.Oct.12, 7pm at the Olivette Community Center


Meeting called to order by S. Zenk




Steve Zenk, Pres.                                    Debbie Romero, VP.

Carl Clyne, Rec. Sec.                              Jeff Kopolow, Treas.

Lee Hastings                                           Ed Hale

Jane Ettelson                                          Bob Riggs

Jennifer Luner                                         Helene Siegfried

Jackie Baker                                            Carol Benkelman

Linda Seibert


Non Board Members Present:


Mike Carmen for tournament reports.


The Sept 2011 minutes were approved for posting. (Note, underlined items should appear on future agendas)


The Sept 2011 Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for filing.


Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Year-end summary was discussed and approved.
  2. The 2012 Budget was discussed and amended.  C. Clyne moved the amended budget be approved, seconded by J. Luner. 11 for, one abstention.


Unfinished Business:

  1. Mike Carmen reported that the August Regional was very successful.
  2. Jane Ettelson reported the 199’er was also very successful.
  3. Discussion of event to retain or replace the St. Louis KO’s was tabled until next month.


New Business:

  1. Work schedule for the St. Charles was established.
  2. Mike Carmen will email St. Charles sectional projections when ready.
  3. Date Book distribution plan approved.
  4. New Directory was discussed.  No plans at present.  Will discuss again at some future date to be determined.
  5. District 8 new NAP Coordinator is Martha Leary.
  6. Donation from Unit 143 to Backstoppers of $1,000.00 was approved.  It will be presented at the St. Charles Sectional.



  1. Reminder, send Unit Guideline changes to Helene Siegfried.


Meeting adjourned.  Next meeting Wednesday, 2011.Nov.09 at the Olivette Community Center.


Carl Clyne, Recording Secretary.




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