Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2014

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors


Attendees:  Debbie Romero, Pres.; George Hawley, VP; Jeff Kopolow, Treas.; Linda Seibert, Sec’y; Mary Dolan; Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; Jennifer Luner; Jay Shah;  Peggy Wald; guest Mike Carmen

Absentees:  JoAnn Moore, Helene Siegfried


President Romero called the meeting to order.

August Minutes were approved for posting.  

Corresponding Secretary’s report for September was accepted for file.

Treasurer’s report for September was accepted.  J Kopolow reminded the Board to get all expenses to him before end of fiscal year, September 30. Budget for 2014-2015 was presented with request that all board members review their own area’s expenses and make any changes to budget requests before the October meeting. The CPA who reviewed our books recommends having monthly reports on CDs and savings. 


St Louis August District 8 Board Meeting Status Report: Elections were held.  For 2015 Martha Leary is President-elect; Mike Carmen is Vice-President elect; Debbie Avery is Secretary/Treasurer. Chris Patrias is Tournament Director until December 2014.

Split Regional between Crystal Lake & Metropolis/Paducah will continue for 2015 and 2016.  Following the 2015 event, further review of the Effingham location for Metropolis will occur. Marilyn Croft is now President of Crystal Lake.  Criteria for NAP are changing for B & C groups with 4 teams now allowed.


August Regional:  Kudos from Roger Lord to the Daily Bulletin, from Glenda Piek to M Carmen for arranging the accommodation she required; from E Rodwell for the great schedule and events.  B Bunn has suggested an earlier start for Sunday Swiss:  10:00 a.m. J Shah mentioned one negative:  a complaint about dirty cards.  The Daily Bulletin will carry a notice to notify the Director about the cards. I/N games received lots of positive feedback, especially the pre-Tournament event.  Several Section Top Awards are still in our inventory. Lots of Convention Card Holders are stored at L Seibert’s. 

M Carmen presented the financial report for the Regional Tournament. Regional was negatively affected by the Topeka Split Regional which drew Kansas City players who normally attend our tournament and the situation in Ferguson.   We did meet our hotel guarantee and made a small profit: $5,463.00.




NEW BUSINESS:  Ann Lemp has been appointed new Hospitality chair, off-board. Jackie Schroeder, B Griffin and H Siegfried will assist with procurement, etc. for October Sectional. S Moore will assist at the October Sectional; will do Saturday duty as A Lemp is not available. J Kopolow noted that the cash advance for Hospitality was made specific to S Moore at the time the motion passed. It was moved and seconded that this advance be authorized for the Hospitality Chairperson, not an individual.  Motion carried.  

Board elections in October will be unnecessary as no person submitted a petition to be considered for a Board vacancy.  The Nominating Committee’s slate will be put forward and elected.

I/N Handout:  J Luner reported that she is ready to request a second proofing.  It was agreed that the Handout will be available for the first time at the September 199er Tournament. 150 copies will be produced.

September 199er Tournament:  Postcards were sent to players in Unit 223, Springfield, MO., Springfield, Il; Effingham and Rolla.  Reservations are coming in.  Sunday session is not yet showing great popularity.  For future, should we consider using Sunday for a 0-49 Event? Further discussion is needed.

D Romero noted that at Crystal Lake Regional, there was a bracketed Swiss Team event.  Should we consider it for Sunday of the January Sectional and/or August Regional? No action was taken.


D Romero suggested, M Dolan moved, B Griffin seconded a motion to recognize  S Moore with a Meritorious Service Award for her many years of volunteer service to the Unit.  Motion carried.

The award will be presented at the January Sectional.


The recognition gift for M Carmen will be presented at the October Sectional. P Wald will work with M Carmen to determine an appropriate gift.  In view of his work with District 8 in addition to Unit 143, a notice will be sent to District 8 Board; some are expected to attend.

J Luner suggested that we look into replacing a certain per cent of our tables annually.  Some are becoming worn and damaged.  Do we know what we own?  Further study is needed. J Kopolow mentioned that the NABC set-aside was not needed.  We might convert it to capital expense use.


Publicity: All publicity is done for October Sectional except the email blast from ACBL.


Unit Games: M Dolan announced that there is one Unit Game today, the first since late spring; there have been 390 tables in Unit Games year-to-date.  Two more are scheduled in September, three in October.  On Monday, Nov 24 there will be a make-up for game that did not make. One will be scheduled in December.


Website: 199er and Sectional Tournaments are up.  There’s a new photo of M Carmen.  Banner header stuff for Unit Games if going up.


Membership: D Romero reported for J Moore.  There were 5 new and 2 transfer members last month.  From Sept 2013-Sept 2014, membership increased by 70.  Increases in membership result in increases in publicity expenses.


Date Book:  J Luner is proofing Date Book.  Copies will be provided to directors and club owners. Expect to get to printer October 1 to have for the Sectional.  Will print 1,000.


It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary


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