Meeting Minutes for December 11, 2013

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Attendees:  Debbie Romero, Pres; George Hawley, VP; Jeff Kopolow, Treas; Linda Seibert, Sec’y; Mary Dolan; Bob Griffin; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Helene Siegfried; Jay Shah; Peggy Wald, guest Mike Carmen, Tournament Director

Absentees:  Lee Hastings

Meeting was called to order by President Romero

November minutes were approved for posting

Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted.

Treasurer’s Report was accepted for file.

January Sectional Tournament and August Regional:   January Sectional is usually one of the largest; not expecting to be so this year. Events will be the same as October. C Patrias expects the Saturday morning Swiss event to improve.  Sunday dinner: Ravanelli’s changed price without warning so we will not use them again.  M Carmen and S Shymanski-Moore have a tasting scheduled with another caterer; expected price $6.95-$7.95 per person. Caddies:  one is targeted for hospitality and needs to know; all are responsible for food storage on Friday and Saturday evenings. C Patrias and Cottermans are directors for January.  B Percich can fill in if needed. M Carmen presented the budget for January Sectional;  Approval was moved and seconded.  Motion carried. August Regional:  Bruce Greenspan does offer his lesson and game free of charge.  P Wald suggested that a Board Member or liaison offer a welcome and explanation of how the tournament works at the beginning of I/N games.

OLD BUSINESS:  J Kopolow noted that he has arranged to have a financial review of the books.

NEW BUSINESS: P Wald presented the suggested Unit Game schedule for 2014. Acceptance was moved and seconded.  Motion carried. G Hawley proposed 3 members to complete the expansion of the Disciplinary Committee.  Approval was moved and seconded.  Motion carried. Mark Boswell, Mike Carmen, and Peggy Wald are added. Board meeting dates for 2014 at the Olivette Community Center were presented.  Meetings to be the second Wednesday of the month except August, when it will be the first Wednesday if a meeting is necessary immediately before the Regional. Pres. Romero noted that the 199er Tournament has not been growing as we want, so wants postcard announcements mailed to a larger audience again. It was suggested that some way to make the Tournament seem “special” be found.  As it is held at the St. Louis Bridge Center along with regular games, it may not seem different enough from a regular game. Would food and a speaker between sessions draw more? Could it be changed to a 2-session or 2-day event?  Further investigation and consideration are needed. D Romero will contact

L Hastings regarding input of ideas. New Novice of the Year Award planning postponed.

Publicity: Done for January Sectional.  Increased number of postcards printed to 1500 and have only about ½” left.

Partnerships:  No report

Website: Datebook information has been uploaded. Several member deaths have been listed.  Will change the Unit Game list to keep all dates listed.

Membership:  We have 6 new members and 2 transfers for a total of 1309 members.

Announcements: J Shah noted the promotion sent by Unit 239. Should we consider something similar?  St Louis will have the NABC again in Spring 2021.  Karl Dencker was named the Goodwill Person of the Year. Next meeting:  January 8, 2014.

Meeting adjourned.  Holiday party at Granite City Food & Brewery followed.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary

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