Meeting Minutes for January 9, 2013 

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Meeting was called to order by President Romero

Attendees: Debbie Romero, Pres.; George Hawley, VP; Linda Seibert, Sec’y.; Mary Dolan; Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Jay Shah; Helene Siegfried; Peggy Wald; guest Mike Carmen, Tournament Director.

Absentees:  Jeff Kopolow, Treas.

The minutes for December 12, 2012, were approved for posting.

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted.

The Treasurer’s report, submitted electronically, was accepted for filing.

Tournament Status Report :

January Sectional

Don Borgmeyer is the person in charge for Blanchette Park Memorial Hall.  He will arrange for refreshments downstairs.  Caddy will be responsible for restocking. 

We will have a cake for Rod Beery.

Membership directories will be distributed through the Partnership Desk.

Caddy status—at least two caddies will be needed at each session to allow one to focus on doing hospitality such as making popcorn, making coffee, and replenishing items including refreshments downstairs, a new part of our hospitality.  G Hawley will provide an updated schedule.  He will also be sure that caddies know the location of essential supplies.

H Siegfried will take photographs of winners 15 minutes or so after sessions.

Partnership desk will be staffed by S Zenk and J Shah.

StL Bridge Center requested permission to display posters in addition to the usual flyers and handouts.  Motion made by P Wald, seconded by H Siegfried, to limit publicity for all clubs to flyers/handouts (8 ½ x 11) that will lay flat on the available table.  Tournament flyers will take precedence if there is a space problem.  Motion carried.

Attendance projections for January Sectional: M Carmen reported an expectation that we will be down about 7%, creating a break-even situation.  A 4th director will be brought in.  Cost per director will be down very slightly; not enough to be significant to the bottom line.

Board members signed up for their sectional responsibilities.  Person responsible is also responsible for getting a replacement if necessary.

May Sectional

Information for this tournament will be on the website as soon as the January Sectional is over.


Suggestions about format for information in the Bridge Bulletin that will appear in the May and June issues should be given to D Romero very soon.


Date Book:  B Griffin announced that books have been delivered to clubs and will be available at the January Sectional.

Membership Directories:  J Shah announced that these booklets have been distributed to clubs and will be available at the Partnership Desk at the January Sectional.

Fall STaC Dates: D Romero noted the change in dates owing to a conflict with previous dates.  Current dates are Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2013.

199er:  Scheduled for Feb. 23.  Post cards are done and will be mailed tomorrow.  L Hastings is recommending that players make reservations for both sessions—mostly to allow planning for refreshments. B Griffin, J Moore, and J Shah will assist the day of the tournament.


Donna Coker Recognition: Motion made by J Moore, second by M Dolan that recognition be in the form of a tangible gift. Motion carried. P Wald and J Luner will make the final selection.  Gift will be presented to Donna at the January Sectional on Friday afternoon.

Unit Games:  P Wald presented a written report of the committee’s actions including a chart showing proposed dates for Unit Games. Motion made by L Seibert, second by H Siegfried, to approve Jan 28, Feb 26, and Mar 6 AM games.  Motion carried.  It was noted that the Unit Sanction for Feb 10 will not be needed as it is in STaC Week.  With this sanction available to be used at another time, the committee will plan to select another Tuesday AM date.  Additional Unit Game dates will be approved at our next meeting.

Request from ABA:  Robert Wallace, Chief Director of ABA and area 317 ACBL Director, has asked if his group might rent our tables and bidding boxes for the ABA National Tournament July 25-August 3, 2013.  It will be held at the Renaissance Airport.  Motion by L Seibert, second by J Luner, to allow ABA to use Unit 143 tables and bidding boxes for the tournament.  They will pay the cost of transportation from the storage area.  A separate check for damage deposit (not to be cashed unless damages are incurred) will be required.  ABA will be expected to return items in the same condition they were received.  Motion carried.  We will conduct an inventory of our equipment after the May Sectional.

Tracking Membership History:  H Siegfried presented a chart of membership from 2003 through 2012.  Membership has increased from 976 to 1189 in that time, assuming start data are correct. 

Olivette Community Center Contract:  D Romero requested approval to renew the contract for Unit 143 BOD meeting place. G Hawley moved, M Dolan second.  Motion carried.

WEBSITE:  J Luner noted that they have done a major cleanup and that all links have been checked.  The server contract has been renewed.  Andy Finkenstadt is moving but will remain available.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  J Shah reported that Glenda Piek from Edwardsville would appreciate publicity for their games.  Many players come from that area to St Louis games and they would appreciate some reciprocity.

L Hastings moved, B Griffin second, adjournment.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,


Linda Seibert

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