Meeting Minutes for June 13, 2012

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Meeting was called to order by President S Zenk


Steve Zenk, Pres., Debbie Romero, VP; Linda Seibert, Secy; Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; George Hawley; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Helene Siegfried; Mike Carmen, Tournament Director

Absentees:  Jeff Kopolow, Jay Shah, Peggy Wald


The May Minutes were approved for posting.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report was accepted.

Treasurer’s report provided electronically was accepted for filing.


M Carmen presented the May Sectional report.  There was a small loss owing mostly to the addition of a fourth director.  Discussion followed with suggestions for ways to reduce some expenses.  M Carmen will discuss with Chris Patrias.

Although not Old Business, M Carmen presented some plans for the August Regional. To improve hospitality, donuts or muffins will be provided during some of the morning sessions.  He suggested using pre-duplicated boards be used for some games.  Following discussion, it was decided to use them for appropriate I/N games only this year.  Should we have Youth Bridge at the Regional? Some from Iowa are interested.  Would some from the Illinois Youth Camp also attend?  Further discussion about this issue and hospitality issues followed.

Spring NABC:  Financial responsibilities for unit and district were noted.  We will receive recognition for our $5,000 contribution.   Memphis will be responsible for awards; we for registration.



Tournament Supplies

D Romero mentioned that C Patrias receives a small fee per table to cover supplies.  This includes his labor costs.  Pencils are depleted at each tournament.  We need to be careful as we go further with the idea of providing supplies for financial savings.

Youth Bridge

S Zenk received an email from Bill Fritch offering assistance to start youth bridge.

Bragging Rights

L Hastings noted that costs for Bragging Rights awards are to be split with Kansas City.

2012-13 199er Tournaments

L Hastings reported that sanctions for both fall and spring tournaments are in place.  There was a conflict with the Caseyville Tournament in fall that was resolved with the help of the Unit 223 President. 

Sessions for our 199er tournaments will change to 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Fiscal Year

L Hastings noted that our fiscal year is currently set to coincide with Regional end and change of board members.  This is a matter for additional discussion at a future meeting regarding possible change of our fiscal year.

District 8 Report

D Romero reported the date for next NAP:  November 10, 2012

The A players complained about the lag between sessions.

District profit on NAP was $1811.

ACBL Score is being rewritten.  Concerns have been taken to the national level.

Charity week is TBA in November

Nominations for Charity and Good Will may be submitted.



Postcards will be mailed for the Regional.

There was an error on the Regional Schedule (not on the daily schedule).  It has been corrected online. Saturday, Sunday KOs will begin at 1&7 Saturday, 10:30 and TBA Sunday.


J. Moore reported that we gained 7 new and 7 transfer members.  Packets have been mailed.


No report.


Next meeting is July 11, 2012

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary

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