Meeting Minutes for November 14, 2012

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Meeting was called to order by President S Zenk

Attendees:  Steve Zenk, Pres.; Debbie Romero, VP; Jeff Kopolow, Treas; Linda Seibert, Secy; Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; George Hawley; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Jay Shah; Helene Siegfried; guest Mike Carmen, Tournament Director

Absentees:  Mary Dolan, Peggy Wald

Election of Officers for 2012-13

     President—Debbie Romero

     Vice President—George Hawley

     Treasurer—Jeff Kopolow

     Secretary—Linda Seibert

The minutes for September 12 and October 9, 2012 were approved for posting.

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted.

Treasurer’s Report was accepted for filing.

President’s Announcements:  D Romero requested that board members let her know if they have specific requests for jobs, either to change or add.  S Zenk will continue to chair the Partnership Desk through the March Nationals.  After that the position will be open.  District 8 Liaison is open.  Photographer may be open; Carl needs to be contacted.  Hospitality needs help.

October Tournament Report: M Carmen presented the report for the October Sectional.  Attendance was down.  Discussion concerning reasons followed.  There was consensus that the Blanchette Bridge construction was a problem.  As this problem will continue for at least a year, future sectional advertising will include directions to the site. It was decided that there will be at least 2 caddies at all times for sectionals to provide help with hospitality and other caddie duties.  Downstairs, when in use, needs to have refreshments.

M Carmen noted that Chris Patrias would like to see some local persons be interested in becoming Tournament Assistants.   Director in Charge must approve the application.  Applicant must pass test.  Not same as Director test.

March NABC:  M Carmen noted the site will be the Renaissance Grand downtown.  Parking in the garage will be free. Attendees might  need to arrive early to take advantage of this parking—some 800 spaces.  Hospitality will be set up in a room in the basement in the room where 10:00 and 3:00 sessions will be held.  Hotel staff will convert the room to cabaret setup with bandstand for live music and dance floor. Cash bar.  Food provided. Section top awards will be T-shirts with cityscape by John Pils.  Registration gift will be a pen.


Date Book:  B Griffin reported that some clubs requested special designations.  Discussion concerning appropriate listing format followed.  It was moved and seconded that the Date Book contain only the club name, address, contact information, director, time and day of game, whether game is open or restricted to 0-199 or 0-299.  Motion passed.

As the book will not be available until December, can we drop November and December 2012?  Yes. 

What is the date of the spring 199er Tournament?  It’s currently set for the Saturday after Spring NABC. Discussion followed. L Hastings cited potential conflicts with other tournaments.  February 23, 2013 was selected.  L Hastings will get the sanction changed. 


Membership Directory: J Shah reported that he is still selling ad space.  The directory will go to printer in December.  Ad sales to date are ahead of previous.


Budget:  J Kopolow presented the budget for 2012-13.  Discussion followed.   Some listed items are accounting items that should be so noted as they are not items this board controls. J Kopolow will make the changes.

PUBLICITY—D Romero reported that she had had to change the flyer to include indication of how the KOs will be handicapped.  All future flyers wll need this information.

WEBSITE—No report

MEMBERSHIP:  J Moore reported 13 new members.

Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert

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