Meeting Minutes for January 14, 2015

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors


Attendees:  George Hawley, Pres.; Linda Seibert, VP & Sec’y; Jeff Kopolow, Treas.; Mary Dolan; Jennifer Luner; Karen Erlanger, Lee Hastings; Helene Siegfried; Jay Shah;  guest Mike Carmen, Tournament Director

Absentees:    Becky Hubert


President Hawley called the meeting to order. George announced his resignation as president. He is unable to devote the time necessary. Linda Seibert as vice president will move into the President position leaving two positions open on the executive board.  Mary Dolan was nominated for Vice President, and Becky Hubert was nominated as recording Secretary.  Both nominations were 2nd and approval was given by vote.

Minutes, of the December meeting, were approved for posting. Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file. Treasurer’s Report: Report accepted for filing. Linda Seibert and Mary Dolan will go to the bank with Jeff on Thursday to sign signatory cards  for check writing.


Tournament Report: M Carmen noted that Rick requested additional director assistance. Beth Percich will be directing at least one IN session, possibly two. Mike also indicated that this will be Chris Patrias’ last Director In Charge position as a full time employee for the ACBL. Mike would like to recognize Chris at the Sectional. A motion was presented by Debbie for an award and $100 gift. It was seconded by George and approved to be presented on Friday afternoon after Life Master pins. Milt Zlatic is working on an award document.

Debbie discussed Caddy Information. There are 19 caddy sessions this tournament. Lauren Percich is the Hospitality caddy and will be training Jenna to take over.  Sign-up sheets for work duty were completed. The next 199’r is on track.

Regional: Bruce G has will again provide the lesson and play for I/N players on Monday prior to beginning of Regional Tournament in July. Decision was made to swap the stratiflighted Swiss team event with a bracketed Swiss Team event on Sunday at the Regional


OLD BUSINESS:   There was a discussion on the Electronic Contact and how to handle it. We are allowed only one contact and that person must act as a director of information for the Unit.


NEW BUSINESS: Due to the resignation of Peggy Wald, an open board position was created. Two names were submitted to vote, and Mark Ziegelman was selected to complete Peggy’s term which ends later this year.

Mike Carmen reported that the pre-duplicated boards have become a problem now that Donna doesn’t do all our tournaments. A suggestion was made that the unit may want to buy a machine so that we can have the pre-duped boards.

He also mentioned a possibility of raising funds by allowing sponsorships by outside vendors at our tournaments.


Publicity:  D Romero indicated that the advertisement for the July Regional will be in the April and May Bulletin. She is working on them now.


Unit Games:  M Dolan reported that the Jan 23 unit game has no participating clubs since Bridge Haven changed the time of their game. The sanction will be cancelled and reissued for later in the day. This will then allow for 3 clubs to participate.




Website:  New year rollover for various items tracked on the website is in place..


Membership:  No report


Date Book & Club Liaison: No report




Adjournment: Next meeting is February  11,  2015


Respectfully submitted, Helene Siegfried for , Secretary


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