Meeting Minutes for June 11, 2014 

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors


Attendees: Debbie Romero, Pres.; George Hawley, VP; Jeff Kopolow, Treas.; Linda Seibert, Secy.; Mary Dolan; Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Jay Shah; Peggy Wald; guest Mike Carmen, Tournament Chairman

Absentees:  Helene Siegfried


President Romero called the meeting to order.

May Minutes were approved for file as corrected

Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted for file.

Treasurer’s Report for April and May was accepted.


Tournament Reports: May Sectional.  M Carmen reported that attendance and revenue were down from his previous estimate as well as last year.  There may have been unusually high conflicts with graduations and vacations.  Meal cost increased with the addition of meatballs and director staff increased.  Table count was 350; loss $2600.

Regional: M Carmen reported that cups for Section tops have been ordered.  There is a split Regional with Topeka and Amarillo that could affect our attendance.  David Porris will be the Bookseller this year as Britton Beasley is recovering from a heart attack.  The budget is in process.  The free event on Monday preceding the official start of the tournament has unknown consequences, but will add to costs.  P Wald moved to approve M Carmen’s budget; M Dolan seconded.  Motion carried. Parking exit cards will have to be available before C Patrias’s arrival and scoring for the early event must be worked out.  M Dolan will work on an I/N Information Sheet and Schedule to assist I/N players.  J Shah will check on signage.  D Romero reminded the Board to stay after the Sunday Swiss to clean tables.  L Hastings will provide the Restaurant Guide. P Wald will handle awards.  L Seibert will handle Registration. J Luner is already working on the Daily Bulletin. Wednesday evening Swiss and Saturday morning Open Pairs are charity events.  The charity will be determined at next meeting.


OLD BUSINESS:  L Hastings reported that there is no conflict between the St Louis Bridge Center and the 199er on the last weekend in September.  He has cleared use of the facility with B Canfield.  A one session pairs event will be added on Sunday.  Saturday and Sunday events will begin at 10:00 A.M.


NEW BUSINESS: Only one scholarship application for Youth Bridge Camp has been received.  After review, it was moved and seconded to award the individual a scholarship.  J Luner moved to award an amount for camp registration not to exceed $300.00 for 2014. J Shah seconded.  Motion carried.  G Hawley will notify S Reiss.

Steve Brauss Mini McKinney Award Disposition:  At the request of his family, Steve’s medallion will go to Sharon Christenson.

P Wald spoke for the Nominating  Committee.  Terms expiring for Bob Griffin, George Hawley, Jay Shah, and JoAnn Moore.  B Griffin and J Moore are leaving the Board.  P Wald presented the Nominating Committee’s slate for approval. J Kopolow moved to accept the slate. L Hastings seconded. Motion carried.  Slate will be on the website in mid-July along with instructions on how to petition for a Board position.  The petition deadline will be August 15.


Publicity:  Post cards for the Regional will go out next week or week and a half.  The email blast will follow.


Unit Games: M Dolan reported that as of June, there have been 345.5 tables.  Although not a direct comparison, at the same time last year there had been 220.5 tables.


Website: J Luner has put up the World Wide Game, NAP qualifying games and STaC Games.


Membership: J Moore announced 15 new members and 2 transfers.


Next meeting will be August 6, 2014, at 7:00 P.M.


L Hastings moved to adjourn. P Wald seconded. Motion carried.


Following the meeting, the Board stayed to check a crate of Bidding Boxes not completed last year.  J Shah will order missing items in time for Regional.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary


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