Meeting Minutes for May 9, 2012

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Meeting was called to order by President S Zenk

Attendees: Jennifer Luner, Lee Hastings, Jay Shaw, Steve Zenk, Pres., Helene Siegfried, Bob Griffin, George Hawley, Peggy Wald

Absentees:  Jeff Kopolow, Debbie Romero, Linda Seibert, Ed Hale, Jo Ann Moore

The March Minutes were approved for posting.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report was accepted.

Treasurer’s report was accepted for filing.


St. Louis Knockouts

L. Hastings reported on the Greater St. Louis Team Championship. Eleven teams participated. There was a loss of $40.40 for the event. Discussion was held about scheduling and logistics for the Braggin' Rights with the Kansas City winners.

Youth Bridge

L. Hastings reported on the Youth Bridge Class. Mary Shaw will say a few words about youth bridge at the May sectional. There are currently no applicants for the unit sponsored scholarship to summer bridge camp.


S. Zenk reported on STAC. Discussion continued about the timeliness of club owner’s payments to the District.

Tournament Committee

S. Zenk reported about options for tournament supplies. The tournament committee will investigate the feasibility of purchasing supplies for tournaments directly instead of through the tournament directors.


The tournament committee presented their findings about restaurant ads or coupons for the August Regional. It was decided to solicit restaurants for discounts for tournament patrons.


S. Zenk reported on the feasibility of expanding the January sectional. With the Nationals in St. Louis in 2013, no changes will be made in 2013.



The NABC Organizing Committee has been formed. Members and their responsibilities will be posted on the unit website. S. Zenk proposed the unit make the same $5,000 contribution to the NABC Organizing Committee that has always been made. These funds assist in providing entertainment and hospitality at the 2013 Spring Nationals in St. Louis. The board agreed to delay the contribution until we could arrange some favorable mention of the unit contribution during the event.

May Sectional

The board agreed to honor the Ace Of Clubs and Mini-McKinney winners by creating posters listing the names of all 23 winners and categories. These posters will be placed in all of the playing rooms at St. Charles during the sectional. Medallions and/or certificates will be given to the Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKinney award winners. S. Zenk volunteered to make the posters. New Life Masters’ names will be read and pins awarded.


Board Members signed up for May Sectional responsibilities.


Fiscal Year

The fiscal calendar was discussed in regards to changing to a calendar year.


There will be a 2/3 page ad in the May Bulletin and a 1/3 page ad in the June Bulletin for the August Regional.


H. Siegfried and J. Luner reported that the website is current. The domain names were renewed. Suggestions for the website are always welcomed.

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Peggy Wald





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