Meeting Minutes for November 13, 2013

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes for November 13, 2013

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors 

Attendees:  Debbie Romero, Pres; George Hawley, VP; Jeff Kopolow, Treas; Linda Seibert, Sec’y; Mary Dolan; Bob Griffin; JoAnn Moore; Helene Siegfried; Jay Shah; guest Mike Carmen, Tournament Director

Absentees:  Lee Hastings, Jennifer Luner, Peggy Wald

Meeting was called to order by President Romero.

Election of Officers for 2013-2014
President:  Debbie Romero

     Vice-president:  George Hawley

     Treasurer:  Jeff Kopolow

     Secretary:  Linda Seibert

October minutes were approved for posting

Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted

Treasurer’s report was accepted for file.

October Sectional Results:  M Carmen presented the report from October Sectional showing a larger than expected loss.  Attendance was down about 5%.  Problems with delivery of some bid boxes and clocks were experienced. It was determined that board and caddy duties need to be more clearly defined.  January 2014 Sectional:  Same schedule as October 2013. August 2014 Regional:  Bruce Greenspan has proposed offering a free lecture (10:00 a.m. – noon) and duplicate game (1:00-3:30, 0-25 points) on the first day of the tournament, prior to the official tournament beginning at 7:00 p.m.  Additional information will be needed before the board can make a decision to accept the proposal.

Date Books:  Received 1250; dates for the adult bridge camp are incorrect.  Distribution is ongoing.

OLD BUSINESS:  The Charitable Donation choice of the St Louis Area Foodbank was sent to ACBL. The Charity Lifetime Appointments received for Chuck Starovasnik and Barbara Reid from ACBL.  D Romero read a thank you letter from Chuck & Barb.

NEW BUSINESS:  J Kopolow noted that he has discussed having an audit of his books.  Some Unit members suggested that it would be wise to have one done.  Board agreed.  As the books are presented in full at almost every meeting, no formal audit should be needed.  Kenny Schwartz will be asked to do it. 

D Romero presented the proposed 2014 POTY calculations.  It was moved and seconded that we adopt these calculations These calculations will be put on the website.  Home page will carry note of the change and where it is located on the website..  Motion carried. 

D Romero proposed the establishment of a Meritorious Service Award.  This award would be for outstanding service to the Unit and would require at least 9 years of service on the Board. Motion to accept was made and seconded.  Motion carried.

D Romero made the following appointments:  Tournament Chairman, Mike Carmen; District 8 Representatives, Mike Carmen, Linda Seibert, Debbie Romero;  Judicial Committee Chair, George Hawley.  A change to enlarge the Judicial Committee was proposed.  Motion to increase the number from 3 to 6 while not changing the number (3) who will hear a case, was made and seconded.  Motion carried.  G Hawley will bring recommendations for the additional positions to the Board.

A new Novice of the Year Award was proposed.  A sub-committee of  J Shah, L Seibert and J Moore will meet to discuss.

STaC Week was very successful, earning $6795 for the District.




199er Tournament:  J Shah noted that attendance has been dropping.  To try to reverse this trend it was agreed that post cards should be mailed as was done previously.  Additional steps to  increase attendance will be sought.

Unit Game Committee:  M Dolan reported that the October 14 date was not used because there were not enough tables.  October 24 was used in all places.  Year-to-date 345.5 tables.

Publicity:  D Romero will mail post cards, distribute flyers for January Sectional.

Partnerships:  No report

Website:  No report

Membership:    8 new members, 1 transfer

Announcements:  Next meeting:  December 11, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Holiday party to follow at:  Granite City Food and Brewery, 11411 Olive Blvd,. Creve Coeur, MO 63141, (314) 432-3535.  Reservation at 9:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary

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