Meeting was called to order by President S. Zenk

Attendees:  Steve Zenk, Pres.; Debbie Romero, VP; Jeff Kopolow, Treas.; Linda Seibert, Secy.;   Bob Griffin; Lee Hastings; George Hawley; Jennifer Luner; JoAnn Moore; Jay Shah;  guest Mike Carmen, Tournament Director

Absentees:  Helene Siegfried, Peggy Wald

The July Minutes were approved for posting.

Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted

Treasurer’s Report was accepted for filing.

Mike Carmen reported on the August Regional, October and January Sectionals, NABC

August Regional:  We had an increase of 10% in tables; many compliments on the hotel and schedule.  Morning hospitality was appreciated. Increase in income will sustain us for a while.  There was some discussion about the lack of morning pairs games.  Consider adding a Saturday morning single session to accommodate those who come for Sat-Sun.  Charity game netted $1005 and will be awarded at the October Sectional.  Dirty card problem was noted.  Section top awards will change for next year; popcorn hospitality will also change.  Youth game was cancelled.

October Sectional: 100 tables will be set—70 upstairs, 30 down.  Question was asked—are we outgrowing Blanchette Park facility?  No.  Can expand 10-15 tables downstairs.  Lunch Saturday will again be available for purchase.  Helene and JoAnn will help Suzie pick up supplies.

January Sectional: Problem with creating flyers timely as BOD changes occur 11/1.  It was agreed that telephone and email contact information will be generic for January only.

NABC: Section tops will be T-shirt with picture by John Pils

Question was asked:  should we raise money by allowing and charging for the privilege of naming games at Regionals or local games?  How much would we charge?


199er Game:  L Hastings announced that he has reservations for 38 tables at the 10:00 session and 18 for the 3:00.  J Shah, J Kopolow and L Seibert will help with check-in for morning session,  J Moore and J Kopolow for afternoon.


Check to Backstoppers:  It was moved and seconded that our charity Backstoppers be awarded $1200 at the October Sectional rather than just $1005 raised at the Regional.  Motion passed.

Datebook:  Given the changes to the game schedule with the beginning of the St Louis Bridge Center, it was suggested that publication of the Datebook be delayed in the interests of having accurate information.  Current Datebook goes through December.  All agreed that new Datebook should be ready to be distributed at the January Sectional.

Membership Directory:  It was moved and seconded that a new Membership Directory be produced.  Current booklet is out of date.  Motion passed. J Shah will contact Bill Bunn who did it previously and report back in October.


D Romero passed around her record of publicity expenses for information. All agreed that the early publication of the Regional Tournament should be continued.


J Luner reported that there are now links to the Bridge Center; there will be an Instant Matchpoint game at Bridge Haven on October 4 and one at J Shah’s game at the Bridge Center.


D Romero reported that the District sets aside $1500 per year for the Nationals.  She commended Scott Davis for his work on statistics, changing brackets. STaC 1 will be first week in November.  Chris Shaw is no longer Youth Director.  D Romero is new President of District 8.


NAOP game will be at the Eagles club in Springfield, IL on Nov 10


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert

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