from the By-Laws

No later than the July Board Meeting (at least 75 days prior to the date of the annual Meeting), the nominating committee will present to the full board of directors, the names of at least four unit members who have agreed to serve, if elected. The names will then be posted on our website, www.unit143.org.  The candidates will have the opportunity to present biographical information and a picture for posting on the website.

In addition to the nominees presented by the nominating committee, any unit members who turn in a petition signed by at least 25 unit members to the board of directors at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting, will also have their names listed on the official ballot.

At least 30 days before the date of the Annual Meeting, the board will announce & post the names of all of the candidates who came out of the nominating committee or from the petitioning process. If the total number of nominees is more than the number of vacancies, an election will be held by secret ballot at the Fall Sectional. Otherwise, no election will be held and all the nominees will become board members in November.

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