Unit 143 Board of Directors


Click on underlined names for a link to

the Board Member's bridge bio! 


Also, there is a link if you wish to send a board member an e-mail message.







     Mark Boswell

Duties: President, District 8 Representative, Bidding Boxes/Time Clocks, District 8 Disciplinary Chair, District 8 Report, Unit Games Coordinator, GNT/NAP Coordinator


Elected 2022; term ends 2025

second term

email me






Mark Zellmer


Duties:  Vice President, Nominating Committee Chair, Education Chair, Rules Review Committee Chair, Trophies


e-mail me


Elected 2022; term ends 2025

second term





Steve Russell

      Duties: Unit Treasurer, Unit Electronic Contact, Rules Review Committee, Finance Committee

e-mail me

Elected 2022; term ends 2025

second term











Janet Vontz


Duties: Secretary



appointed 2024 replacing Alan Popkin; term ends 2026

first term


e-mail me






Dennis Abeln

Duties:  District 8 Representative, Datebook, Tournament Chair

elected 2023; term ends 2026

third term


e-mail me



Don Chase





e-mail me


elected 2023; term ends 2026


second term




Terry D'Amato

Duties: Webmaster, Dropbox Coordinator

e-mail me

elected 2022; term ends 2025

second term





Dian Brazier

Duties: Hospitality

appointed 2023 replacing Diane Deutch; term ends 2025

third term


e-mail me






Sandy Bigg


Duties:  Publicity


e-mail me


Elected 2022; term ends 2025

second term



Jay Shah


Duties: Membership Chair, Caddies, Nominating Committee


e-mail me


elected 2022; term ends 2025

first term




   John Welte

Duties:  District 8 Representative, I/N Tournament Coordinator, Regional Tournament News Chair

elected 2022; term ends 2025

second term

email me




Tod Moses


appointed 2024 replacing Ken Obrecht; term ends 2026

first term



email me




Unit Duties

performed by non-board members



underlined links to e-mail



Debra (Debbie) Romero


District 8 President, Rules Review Committee, District 8 Advocate, ACBL Advisory Council



Phyllis Siegel



Partnership Chair



Linda Myers



Nominating Committee



Milt Zlatic 

Web Site Tech Services & Support



through the years


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